August 22nd, 2011 — Advertising, Uncategorized
Giant Balloons Attract Sales
Use giant balloons to get into the minds of your customers
For any business, big or small, it is very important to advertise to be successful. A highly successful advertising media now being used by big and small companies is giant balloons.
Giant Balloon – 7 ft. Reusable advertising balloon – $269.00
Times are tough, even for advertisers
In harsh economic times as these, people do not want to spend money. Thus, it becomes tough for businesses to lure people to what they are selling. In order to get the attention of people, businesses have to resort to means that are extremely attractive and appealing to people.
Businesses invest large sums of money on advertising. All of this money is just being put to waste if people do not take notice of the ads and respond accordingly. Think NEW! Think giant balloons!
Just getting attention is not enough
You could spend a million bucks on advertising and get some attention from people. But, is that attention enough? Is that attention being converted into buyers? Are you getting enough of returns on that million bucks that you have spent?
That is why, it is very important to use the right medium to advertise. Just blindly putting your faith in advertising on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the like, no longer works because these media are outdated and they do not get the kind of response that they used to. All you can be sure of with this media is this – that you are definitely wasting your money.
Giant 25 ft. T-Rex Advertising Balloons for sale or rent.
But you are safe with giant balloons
When you make use of advertising balloons you are sure of two things. One, you are not spending a fortune on advertising. Two, people are going to take notice of your advertising. When you make use of these huge balloons to advertise, you are getting your company right out there in the minds of people.
And in today’s world, this is really all that matters, getting into the forefront and getting into the mind of your buyers. Getting into their minds is the most coveted spot and if you get there, you have won the battle with your competitors.
But, it’s all about getting there
It is really all about getting into the mind of your buyers. These buyers have hundreds of other things going through in their minds. What makes it so appealing for them to catch what you are showing them? Why would they want to tune into your message? How can you get them to react in the right way to what you are showing them?
To do that, you have to get into the mind of your prospects and you can get there with giant balloons.
Giant Balloons Attract People and Sales is a post from: Advertising Balloons
Related posts:
- Create a Lasting Impression with Giant Balloons
- Using Custom Balloons in Your Sales Process
- Advertising Balloons For Sales
August 19th, 2011 — Advertising, Uncategorized
Advertising Balloons
How to Get the Best Use from Advertising Balloons
Businesses are required to be more and more creative. Usually, people think of advertising as being on the computer or television. However, companies need to think beyond that and get their name to everybody. One advertisement that many people enjoy is advertising balloons.
7ft. Helium Balloon with logo – $533.00 – Reusable!
It is important to think about what you want people to remember when you send out an advertising balloon. You want people to think of your company and your slogan. If you put too much on the balloon, people will think about how pretty it was, not about what company it was from. You must make your icon clear and visible. It also must be eye-catching. You want to use very vivid colors. You want everyone’s attention to be drawn to your message.
It is also important to consider when to display the balloon. They are much more effective at events. If you put a balloon out on a random day some people will see, but not nearly as many as would on the day of a special event. It is important to get the calendar out and look at community gathering. Anything that brings a lot of people outdoors would be perfect.
Another consideration is the cost of the balloons. You want to compare companies. If you are going to buy helium balloons, you want to get the most for your money. It is best to call as many places as possible that can make such an advertising balloon for you. You will want to compare their prices and the quality of their work. If you save enough money, you may be able to send it out multiple times!
Important Considerations when Buying Advertising Balloons
All of these are important things to consider when obtaining an advertising balloon. Creativity is key in advertising. You want advertisements that people enjoy, not ones that annoy them. Advertising balloons make that happen. People remember seeing them in the sky with joy, not annoyance. You want them to think of your company when they have such a happy recollection.
Be Creative – Use Advertising Balloons is a post from: Advertising Balloons
Related posts:
- Advertising Balloons for Events
- Big Helium Balloons
- Inflatable Advertising
August 19th, 2011 — Advertising, Uncategorized
Giant Balloons Equal Great Impressions
Thinking of how to get someone’s attention and leave a lasting impression? A great way to get noticed is to put a message on a giant balloon. People usually look up when a balloon is flying overhead. The most memorable one that comes to mind is one with the message, “Will you marry me?” I was laying on Virginia Beach looking up at the sky and there was the message flying overhead. It is fairly cost effective and easy to find a business that provides this service. There are several businesses in my local area.

Many Types of Giant Balloons
There are different kinds and sizes of balloons. Decide where it’s going to fly and determine the size so that it can be seen. Balloons range from 6 feet to 30 feet. A 6ft balloon is small enough for a child to carry. A 30 footer would be visible over a large building. Sometimes another type of advertising balloon called the “blimp” is used. The “blimp” is very common in resort area and a prop plane usually tows it. The blimps that I saw while laying on the beach must have been larger than 30 feet. The message was so large and clear even from up in the sky. Lettering and layout on the balloon are priced separately and there is a consultant to assist with the best choice for getting the message across. Now, for the surfing competition on the beach, there is a long balloon that flies overhead. The national competition is widely followed so it can be found on the Internet with the giant balloon flying overhead.

Imagination can really be used to make an innovative message. There are different types of giant balloons like the Dune, Custom, Heart, Star, Air Dancer, Carrot, Giant, Light Bulb, and many more.
Advertising balloons are the perfect choice for outdoor promotions. People are reached that may not even be at the outdoor affair. Any one who looks up from a certain distance sees the message. An indelible memory is made with a custom message on a giant balloon.
Giant Balloons Equal Great Impressions is a post from: Advertising Balloons
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- Giant Balloons Equal Success
- Giant Balloons for Business Promotions
- Advertising Blimps Are Great Business Tools!